Hastings & Bexhill Bar Billiards league
Hastings & Bexhill Bar Billiards League AGM 28/08/19 held at The Nags Head
Meeting opened 8.30pm -closed 9.55pm
AGM Minutes/Newsletter
Bob Osborne, Mick Osborne, Sandy Harmer, Dave Pearce, Andy Ellison, Colin Southouse, Nick Speight, Andy Horsler, Fred Pope, Peter Payne, Ray Norton, Jamie Minihane, Clive Minihane
Apologies received from
Andy Eldridge, Linda Challis, Dave White
Minutes from previous meeting
Were presented and Agreed, Proposed Andy Ellison Second Andy Horsler
Matters Arising
Chairmans Report Bob Osborne
Bob offered his thanks to the committee for maintaining the league in good order with thanks to Sandy, Colin and Andy Ellison and would hope that next season will continue in the same vain
Secretaries Report Colin Southouse
Colin thanked those who participated in the league and handicap competitions and help received from other officers during the season, Special thanks go to Linda Challis without whose sponsorship of the Hastings competitions would have left the League in a worse financial position than ever. The competitions this year though well supported, were left to overrun too long this year, it was recommended that next season the committee will be tough on outstanding matches, if the due date of completion is not adhered to then the committee will decide which player will forfeit the match, this was agreed unanimously by all those present.
Thanks also go to Bob , Dave, Andy and Alec for giving time and resources to enable tables to be delivered on time to the Jenny for the open and finals night and also removal
Treasurers report Colin Southouse
Colin handed out a spreadsheet detailing the income and expenditure for the year and gave a brief explanation, included in the schedule were items that had not been received or paid by the treasurer but were received and paid by others.
As there was a surplus this year due to increased donations, sponsorship and the raffle all subs and fees will remain the same, and agreed that this should continue and will be added to the league rules to ensure compliance in the future
Winter league registration £25.00/team
Summer League registration £10.00/team but will be discussed at a later committee meeting
Competition fees £2 per person for each entry
4 pin Invitational/Open fees £3.00
It was proposed to use the profits this year to pay for engraving of a few of the perpetual trophies to the value of £250 Mick Osborne and Clive Minihane to arrange prices from their contacts
The accounts were passed, Proposed Andy Horsler and Seconded by Andy Ellison
Sussex Interleague
Hastings Capt Jamie Minihane
The team struggled to maintain a consistent team this year which made team struggle to maintain form, Names were taken at the AGM and things looked better for next year, The format will change due to the reduced number of teams, Div 2 and3 will only have 4 teams leaving div 2 to play home and away 2 and play div 3 team once and vice versa for div 3 teams ensuring 10 games are play this year
Election of Officers
Chairman Bob Osborne
No other proposals received
Secretary Colin Southouse
No other proposals received
Treasurer Colin Southouse
No other proposals received
Competition Secretary (New Position) Andy Horsler
No other proposals received
Web Site Manager Sandy Harmer
No other proposals received
Publicity Manager Andy Ellison
No other proposals received, though Andy declared that at some time in the future he wont be able to continue, Colin Southouse and Andy Horsler offered their assistance if and when required
Committee Members
Bob Osbourne, Colin Southouse, Sandy Harmer, Andy Ellison, Jamie Minihane, Andy Horsler, Ray Norton
Rule Changes
1 Teams Fielding less than 5 Players
It was agreed that team fielding lass that 5 players, will draw the available players as usual, once these players have played the top scoring player of that team will be removed from the draw and a new draw will be completed to chose the balance of players required to complete the fixture
2. Withdrawn
3. Coaching,
It was agreed by all that, limited coaching will be permitted, this is to help weaker players learn the game, it also acknowledges that subtle coaching takes place at ALL levels of the game and causes more upset than any other issue during games
4 Withdrawn
5 Handicaps
The rule change was rejected 4 votes to 3
Any Other Business
Registration fees remain mostly outstanding as do competition applications, Andy Horsler to chase
The League will start 18th Sept 19.
Colin Southouse to forward fixtures to Sandy Harmer and Captains
Hastings 4 pin invitational 22/06/20
Hastings Open 23/06/20
Finals Night 26/06/20